Frequently Asked Questions

These are some questions that came up about the library.

Can I use it on a Plane?

Platter will automatically use two levels of caching. The first level of caching is done by pip which will automatically cache downloaded packages in its local download cache. This allows pip to not download source archives if it has already downloaded them. This still needs internet access however. The second level of caching is the caching of entire pre-compiled wheels. Platter by default will place wheels in a wheel cache. It will still contact the internet to check for updates according to the version specification but you can disable this behavior by passing --no-download to the build command.

Where are Wheels Cached?

This depends on your operating system:

Operating System Path
Linux ~/.cache/platter
OS X ~/Library/Caches/platter
Windows %LOCALAPPDATA%/platter/Cache

How Can I Clean the Cache?

Either delete that folder yourself or run platter clean-cache.

Is the Cache Safe?

The cache is not particularly safe if you use multiple different Python versions next to each other in some circumstances. Normally you should not run into any issues except if you run different Pythons compiled against different libc’s or unicode versions.

In that case it’s recommended to use different cache paths for different incompatible interpreters. You can override the cache path by passing --wheel-cache=/path/to/the/cache to the build command.